Online: It is Rocket Science: Powering Australia into Space

Join us online for a special event as part of South Australia's History Festival 2024. The theme is POWER.
Rockets provide the power to send instruments, experiments, and people into space. Since the beginning of the Space Age, Australian engineers and scientists have been developing propulsion systems to power rockets, spacecraft and even spaceplanes, sometimes at the cutting edge of technology.
Join space historian Kerrie Dougherty as she explores South Australia’s crucial role in propulsion system development and the wider Australian space propulsion story.
This event will be hosted in-centre and streamed online so audiences across Australia can participate in the conversation.
Suggested ages: 12+, 1 hour duration.
Prefer to join us in-centre? Click here to register;
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser
For enquiries please contact the Australian Space Discovery Centre via email at or phone 08 8432 1400.