Winter Swing Festival 2024
Our biggest event on the Hobart Swing Calendar is happening again this year, with guest teacher Evita Arce from USA/Sydney. Evita is an internationally renowned performer and teacher and we are super excited to have her in Tasmania.Friday July 5th
7-11pm: Welcome dance with Eleanor Webster Quartet (including FREE beginner class). Yummy food, dessert and drinks on sale. No BYO.
Saturday July 6th
10am-12:30pm - Workshop session 1
1:30pm-4pm - Workshop session 2
8pm-11:30pm: Winter Ball with Southern Lights Big Band. BYO
Sunday July 7th
11am-1:30pm- Workshops session 3
2pm- 5pm- After party at Big O's Juke Joint. Bar open, bring takeaway up to eat if you like
There are two 1hour and 15mins classes per workshop session. Classes are for intermediate-level dancers.
Tickets are non refundable but transferable.
Workshop details on our Facebook event:
Multicultrual Hub
65 Hopkins St., Moonah TAS 7009