Winter Film Club - Cameraperson
Our much loved film club is back for another season, and this time we’ll be exploring the work of women filmmakers with our resident film buff Tristan Fidler. Join us for a screening and post-film discussion. Films provided by Kanopy.
About Tristan
Tristan Fidler (he/him) is a writer and broadcaster with a great love of cinema. You can hear Tristan review movies Friday mornings 7:30am on RTRFM 92.1 as part of Movie Squad (also available as a podcast). Tristan also publishes VHS Tracking, a zine of movie recommendations, and hosts cult movie nights at Luna Cinemas including The Room and the Trash Classics programs.
Cameraperson (2016) dir Kirsten Johnson
A boxing match in Brooklyn; life in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina; the daily routine of a Nigerian midwife; an intimate family moment at home: these scenes and others are woven into a tapestry of footage captured over the twenty-five-year career of documentary cinematographer Kirsten Johnson.
Date: Tuesday 14 May 2024
Time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Venue: City of Perth Library, 573 Hay Street, Perth
Cost: Free. Bookings Required.