Handfasting - Australian Celtic Festival (SOLD OUT)
Handfasting is an ancient ritual that symbolises the binding of two lives with the use of a cord or piece of fabric. The cord is wrapped around the hands of both people as words of love and promises are made.This ritual is where the phrase 'tying the knot' originated.
Bring your best friend or loved one to this years Australian Celtic Festival and participate in this ancient ritual. *Choose a handfasting cord that speaks to you from our large selection of handmade cords
*Participate in this ancient ritual, and tie the knot with your partner or friend (not a legal marriage)
*Ring the announcement bell
*Receive a Commemorative Certificate
Book and prepay your handfasting time slot. This ticket does not include entry to the event itself.
Book general admission tickets to the event through the Australian Celtic Festival at https://gleninnesseverncouncil.iwannaticket.com.au/event/australian-celtic-festival
Australian Standing Stones, Glen Innes NSW
Centennial Parklands, Watsons Dr, Glen Innes New South Wales 2370