Melbourne Workshop: ACTion mTBI
This face to face workshop delivered by Dr Josh Faulkner, Clinical/Neuropsychological from Victoria University, Wellington, NZ will develop your skills in delivering Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to individuals with a mTBI. For some, concussion recovery can be quick, simple and life is back on track but for others, a concussion can be a distressing experience. Recovery can be slow; symptoms can be severe and their impact on a person and their families' lives can be devastating. The scientific literature indicates psychological factors contribute to worse outcomes after a concussion, as such, psychological interventions are recommended in international treatment guidelines for concussions. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is emerging as an evidence-based treatment for mTBI. Dr Faulkner has developed a manualised treatment program using ACT principles which this workshop will cover as well as supply you with a manual to deliver the program in your clinical practice.Location
Cliftons Melbourne - Freshwater Place
Level 18, 2 Southbank Boulevard, Southbank VIC 3006