Career Conversations - information for families (Bentley) (SOLD OUT)

Career conversations 2024 - Information sessions for parents and studentsThe world of work is changing. It is important to have career conversations with our young people to support their understanding of the future learning, work and life opportunities available to them.
Armed with accurate, up-to-date information, parents and students can explore the full range of career pathways, building confidence to make decisions about course selections and support successful transition to post-school education, training and employment.
Come to our free events for parents, students and community in your local area and learn more about:
• exploring university and training pathways
• career pathway information for young people with disabilities
• the labour market and where the jobs are
• future work trends
• what employers and industry are looking for.
Registration opens at 6:00 pm for a 6:30 pm start. Refreshments provided.
Bentley Technology Park - Global Streaming Room
The Hub, 2 Brodie-Hall Drive , Bentley WA 6102