Join us on the last day of the school holidays as all-singing, all-dancing (and all-clowning!) biology teachers Oesoph A. Gus and Dewey Dean explore the ins and outs of the human digestive system in their award-winning show, You Are a Doughnut.
Just as the title of the show says, YOU are a doughnut — with a scientifically magnificent hole running straight through our middles — from our mouth to, well… grand finale!
Produced by That Science Gang, who created the award-winning The Alphabet of Awesome Science, this new show explores the many twists, turns and intestinal intricacies of the human digestive system — with sketches, songs and sensational science demonstrations.
You Are a Doughnut has won a couple of Adelaide Fringe Festival Awards — the 2023 “Science at the Fringe” Award as well as a 2022 Weekly Award for “Best Kids and Family”.
Recommended for kids 5 - 12 and their families.
Warning: This performance includes LED lighting flashing effects.
This performance is supported by the Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund - an Australian Government initiative
Shows at 10.00am and 1.00pm
The Twyford - Hall Venue
cnr Beach St & Market St, Merimbula NSW 2548