Tweed - Family Led Decision Making Training

Social Futures’ Early Intervention Connect program in partnership with Ngunya Jarjum invites you to attend Family Led Decision Making Training in 2024.Training available for workers and managers from NSW Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) program providers and Aboriginal community-controlled organisations, Aboriginal community groups and Aboriginal community-led projects.
The free training has been developed in response to needs identified by Better Chances Forum members to work better alongside families and communities. The training will be facilitated by a team at Ngunya Jarjum who will share their ways of embedding family led decision making in their work, guide us in how we could develop tools for our organisations and show us why this practice is important to creating better chances for communities.
Catering included. Registration essential.
Note this training is rescheduled from February.
Minjungbal Aboriginal Cultural Centre
17 Kirkwood Road , Tweed Heads South NSW 2486