Mother's Day Celebration High Tea Fundraiser

Celebrate CINI Australia's Mother’s Day with a delicious high tea, including scrumptious food, aromatic plunger-coffee and a glass sparkling wine.(extra) You will hear the latest news of our projects in India, plus live entertainment, a shawl stall and beautiful gifts for Mother’s Day. Fundraising includes our famous ‘Lucky Sip’, the annual raffle and an exciting silent auction of amazing prizes.You will support CINI Australia's programs that improve the health, nutrition, education and protection of women living in poverty in India. Let us lift up the girls of today to be strong mothers of tomorrow. Help their voices be heard and their dreams fulfilled.
Tickets: $60 Full, $50 concession, $440 table of 8. (Wine extra)
The Exhibition Hall, John XXIII College,
John XXIII Avenue, Mt Claremont WA 6010