Examination Feedback Session - Brisbane 1st RAV 2024
Tuesday 21st of May 2024
10:30am AEST to approx. 11:30am AEST
Live stream via Zoom. Please note the session will not be recorded.
This is a great opportunity to hear general feedback from the examiner in relation to the syllabus for each level. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions.
Examinations Feedback Seminars provide an opportunity for examiners to feed back, in general terms, information about how marks were awarded in examinations over a particular session, and highlight any particular issues, good or bad, which arose. Teachers can then use the information to improve their preparation of students for exams in the future.
Note that Exam Feedback Sessions are weighted at four CPD hours.
Cost is $65 for RAD Financial Members, and $97.50 for Non and lapsed members.
The Zoom link will be emailed to participants on the morning of the event
Taylor Tran - Regional Coordinator Queensland