The St Marys Spring Festival (SOLD OUT)

St Marys Spring Festival Event Launch! We are pleased to be working with the team at St Marys Town Centre to organise the market component for this great event, and can't wait for an exciting day celebrating with the local community. Please note that this event is FREE for customers; all bookings made through TryBooking are for vendors to trade at the event.The venue is entirely outdoor stalls spaced along the St Marys Town Centre. We are looking for vendors of all categories to book this event!
Stall sites are 3m x 3m, larger sites add an upgrade ticket
Please book a ticket based on the products you will be selling. We regularly review bookings and will cancel and refund them if they cause category clashes; if this happens, we will contact you ASAP.
This event is owned and operated by St Marys Town Centre, Eat Shop Love is organising market stallholders for this event as contractors. Please contact St Marys Town Centre directly for any non-market related enquiries.
St Marys Town Centre
Queen Street, St Marys NSW 2760