Mojo & Jimmy: The Comedy Magic Spectacular (SOLD OUT)
“A magic show meets a Pixar movie!” The annual comedy magic extravaganza in HappyVale takes an unexpected turn, evolving into a thrilling adventure to rescue the forest! This heartwarming show will have you gasping in awe, laughing until your belly hurts, and possibly shedding a tear or two (of joy, we promise!).Join us on this rollercoaster of amazement where the impossible becomes the norm, guided by the two hilarious stars of the show: Mojo The Monkey & Jimmy The Tomato.
Oh - and not to mention to show was co-created by a Broadway magician *and* The World Champion of Magic, who have had these things said about them:
“*Genius!*” - Simon Cowell
“*Perfect!*” - Penn & Teller
The Arrow on Swanston: The Houdini Theatre
488 Swanston St, Carlton VIC 3053 VIC 3053