P&F Quiz Night
The P&F Quiz Night is back by popular demand! There are 3 ways to buy tickets:1) Buy a table of 10 and tell us your Team or Captain's Name
2) Buy a ticket or multiple tickets and tell us your Team or Captain's Name
3) Buy a ticket or multiple tickets and sit on a Year Group table of other parents
Tables are limited to 10 adults. This event is intended for adults, so book the babysitter and enjoy a kid-free night out!
Funds raised from the Quiz Night will go towards the purchase of a P&F Events Trailer. This will be used for serving coffee and hot drinks at school events, running the P&F bar and offering a canteen at sporting events.
Raffle tickets can be purchased through Trybooking, or on the night. If you purchase through Trybooking we will fill out raffle tickets with your name on them and add them to the draw.
Secondary Campus Sports Centre
29 Gloucester Avenue, Belair SA 5052