Strength Based Approach to Treating Sexual Deviance
ANZAPPL (WA) are excited to announce a full day workshop with Dr Liam Marshall on Strength-based approach to treating sexual deviance and sexual preoccupation.This full day workshop will explore "strength-based approaches” (SBAs) which are those that are directed at the treatment of adults and juveniles who have engaged in sexually abusive behaviours. SBA's aim to build upon strengths in areas where there are current problems to effectively offset the deficits (i.e., the so-called “criminogenic” factors) that have been shown to lead to a propensity to reoffend. SBAs include (i) treatment presented to the clients as aimed at instilling the capacities for them to have a better, more fulfilling, prosocial future; (ii) treatment that assists clients to identify their current strengths to instil optimism and begin the processes of growing a sense of self-efficacy; (iii) the focus on strengths to offset the relevant criminogenic issues; (iv),help clients consolidate strengths.
Claremont Football Club
Claremont Oval, 3 Davies Road, Claremont WA 6010