Seymour Health - Lower Hume Palliative Care

Susie Forster’s The Last Two Weeks at Longlee is an intimate record of her mother’s final days – painful, sad but ultimately a triumph as her final, defiant wish, to die at home, was fulfilled. Forster joins Lee’s husband Roger, other family members, a dedicated Lower Hume Palliative Care Team and Seymour Health District Nursing Team to nurse Lee until her wish is granted. “Dying is not a bad thing,” says Forster “Mum was very clear that she wanted to die at home, and it was enormously satisfying to be able to give her that.” The film encourages us to make a choice around dying-to consider, whenever possible, how we die and where. An extremely raw, warm and heartfelt film.Location
Seymour College Auditorium
Corner of Loco Street and Anglesey Stree, Seymour VIC 3660