North Sydney Catholics
North Sydney | Kirribilli | Lavender Bay
Why God? by Richard Leonard SJ PP
Thurs 13 June @ 6.00 for 6.30 start, Ron Dyer Centre
You and your guests are invited to the book launch of Richard Leonard’s latest work, “Why God?” Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and purchase a signed copy of “Why God?” to take home.
Daniel is a strategist for the private-sector arm of the World Bank Group, International Finance Corporation (IFC). Prior to joining IFC, Daniel worked as a consultant to the Gates Foundation, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. After completing a Masters in Development at the University of Cambridge as a recipient of the Chevening Scholarship, Daniel worked as a Development Advisor to Australia’s former Foreign Minister, The Hon Kevin Rudd MP. He is also a former award-winning journalist for the Nine Network Australia Pty. Ltd. where he focused on wide-ranging global development issues. Throughout Daniel’s professional career he has worked with numerous charitable organisations in championing the rights and needs of the poor.