Repertoire Fair

A Swap-Meet for Singers, Singing Teachers, & all who love the sung artform.We’re holding a Repertoire Fair on Sunday 23rd June. Well, it’s a bit more like a Bring’n’Buy Fête for song repertoire.
Everybody comes along with a little list of favourite songs we would like to share with others. Songs that are a good fit for very specific occasions & our unique students.
Pat Wilson will talk about accessing repertoire & choosing appropriate songs for our students’ ages & vocal stages. She will also bring lists, resources & ideas.
Just like you will!
So we can all share our knowledge & pick up some new tips and tricks.
Pat has a wealth of teaching experience. She currently teaches in the Music Theatre course at Elder Conservatorium & in her studio, teaching singers to act, actors to sing, & with medical collaborators helping performers with vocal rehabilitation. More information at
Looking forward to seeing you and your lists at our Repertoire Fair.
Ainslie Arts Centre
30 Elouera St, Baddon ACT 2612