Tackers Take Mitcham Wed 8-11yrs (grades 4-6) 5-7pm

8-11 year olds.
Tutor: Tim Mackie
Theatre games, improvisation and all the tools of theatre craft are shared by Tim in this class designed for the next generation of SAYarts performers. Play and fun are encouraged!
Builds confidence, resilience, social and teambuilding skills.
Suits imagineers & storytellers.
Tutor: Tim Mackie
Theatre games, improvisation and all the tools of theatre craft are shared by Tim in this class designed for the next generation of SAYarts performers. Play and fun are encouraged!
Builds confidence, resilience, social and teambuilding skills.
Suits imagineers & storytellers.
Hawthorn Community Centre
5 Frimley Grove, Mitcham SA 5062
Contact Details