Enoggera State School Presents Giants in the Sky Musical

Enoggera State School is proud to present our first musical called Giants in the Sky from Beat by Beat Press. The writers were inspired by the common myth that Giants live up in clouds. They began to wonder – what it’s like up there? What do they do all day? What would happen if one giant took a big risk and came down to earth?This magical story explores the world of Giants who live above the clouds. Ever since they left Earth a long time ago, the Giants have made a life up above where their job is to keep the sky beautiful. They polish the stars, poke the clouds to let it rain and paint the sunsets. But there is one curious Giant who wonders what life is like on Earth, so she steals a key to the locked up “beanstalk” and embarks on an adventure down below! While this is an imaginary world this musical focuses on the friendship between Heeshee and Bert, and how great friends are something you shouldn’t take for granted.
Enoggera Performing Arts Centre
235 South Pine Road, Enoggera QLD 4051