Benjamin Roberts and the Concrete Connection Project Concert

Since April 29th Benjamin Roberts (Rueful Ben) has been embarking on an incredible journey. A quest to travel to, and perform on every single street in the Adelaide CBD (577 Streets to be exact). To help knock down the walls of stigma surrounding mental health and raise vital funds and awareness for charities that support people experiencing mental health issues, he has been spending at least twenty minutes on each street creating and performing. It's been named the Concrete Connection Project.Guess what ... on June 23rd Ben will complete the first quarter of Adelaide City. The South West Quarter will be complete and Ben will be celebrating at Diverse-City with a concert.
Supporting Ben, will be Alan Haberfield. So it will be sure to be an afternoon of stories, song, laughs and tears. Come down and hear the songs that have shaped the project and been sung around the first quarter of the Adelaide CBD.
163 Gouger Street, Adelaide SA 5000