Redefining Leadership in A Post Pandemic World - Lee Rush
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the life-changing COVID-19 pandemic, it's evident that the need for human connection has only grown stronger. Amidst reflections on the crisis and its leadership, a shift towards new models is discernible, with the concept of leadership focusing more on the art of convening and facilitating versus motivating and inspiring.Drawing inspiration from Peter Block's work, this workshop introduces six pivotal conversations aimed at fostering personal transformation and organizational evolution. Each conversation stems from thought-provoking questions, emphasizing the power of invitation over mandates, the significance of envisioning possibilities rather than fixating on problems, the importance of asserting refusal to lend weight to our affirmations, and the transformative potential of focusing on gifts rather than shortcomings. Participants will be equipped with actionable processes for effecting genuine social change.
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2601