Speed Dating Cairns - Palm Cove Surf Club (SOLD OUT)

Speed Dating Cairns Event - Palm Cove Surf Club - Wednesday July 17th - 7pm - 8pm, For Ages 35-55yrs.Looking for someone special? Let us help you Speed up the process! Come and join the Speed Dating trend.
Get ready to meet eligible singles and make connections as we're turning up the heat and ditching the awkward small talk for a fast paced Speed Dating hour. Experience an hour of fun mini dates, meeting real people in real time. So dust off your best pickup lines, bring your smile and enjoy the fun.
Ticket Cost is $30.
WIN - Luck Door Prizes!
Starts at 7pm sharp, so don't be late!
AND Extended for another week, $5 Off Mens Tickets!
Enter 'Discount' code. Discount is only Valid until June 30th. So Hurry Single Guys Book Now!
Lets make this the BIGGEST Speed Dating Event ever in Cairns!
State of Origin Game Final starts at 8pm after this Speed Dating Event, so head on downstairs afterwards to watch and enjoy the Game.
Event for Speed Daters only - Upstairs
Cairns Surf Club Palm Cove
135 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove Qld 4879