Wesnet is hosting the 6th Technology Safety Summit, to bring together national and international experts on technology safety and violence against women.
The Tech Summit 2024 will bring together sector and corporate leaders working with or supporting victim-survivors of technology-facilitated abuse in their use of technology, and their journeys in finding ways to harness technology to improve services with a domestic and family violence lens.
This year’s topics will focus on trending issues of technology-facilitated abuse in the context of domestic and family violence, as well as emerging technologies addressing the intersection of technology, privacy and violence against women.
Join us in exploring the ways technology and its uses are still evolving, and what happens when it intersects with intimate partner violence and other forms of gender-based violence.
2-Day Registration will include access to all Plenary sessions and the ability to choose from concurrent sessions on the day. Catering is included on both days. Note that your ticket also includes recorded sessions after the event.
We will host a 1/2 day workshop for frontline workers to attend on the morning of October 11. This will be a hands-on practical session about technology facilitated abuse case studies and building strategies to better assist women and children impacted by TFA. The workshop is for those frontline workers who have already attended the 2-Day conference. Limited to 50 seats only. Catering is included for the morning session.
Additional to this, we will offer a Recorded Package option for those who cannot attend the Tech Summit in person. All sessions will be recorded (subject to presenter approval) and the conference package will be provided to delegates a couple of weeks after the event.
For more information about the conference visit the conference website https://techsafety.org.au/techsummit/tsau-2024/
NOTE: If you are Media, please contact us separately PRIOR to booking your ticket.
NOTE: No discounts apply to the 1/2 day workshop or the Recorded Package option. Wesnet members will receive a 20% discount off the 2-Day conference ticket price. If you are a Wesnet member, please contact the team on 1800 937 638 (business hours) to obtain the discount code.
2-day Conference - 9 & 10 October 2024
1/2 day Workshop (frontline workers only) - 11 October 2024
Conference Venue: Telstra CIC Building, Level 1, 242 Exhibition Street, Melbourne
Contact the SafetyNet team on 1800WESNET (1800 937 638 - option 5) or email us on events@wesnet.org.au