'Borboleta Preta' Braz Oz Brazilian Choir Rehearsals
BOOK HERE to pay Monthly rehearsal fees (Sunday) 2-4:30 pmOptions:
FULL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP: $50pp/$40conc. per month RECOMMENDED [Full Access Membership gives you 1 Monthly rehearsal and ongoing access to online materials]
FULL ACCESS Family MEMBERSHIP: $45pp/$30 Conc. reduced fees for multiple family members
CASUAL/drop-in REHEARSAL ONLY: $35/$30conc. (For sporadic attendance, fees apply to access CHOIR Material Google Drive)
ONLINE ACCESS & Meet the Maestros Workshops $20/$15 Conc.
A good option if you will be absent from in-person rehearsal to keep up with new repertoire. It also permits us to learn from teachers in Brazil and to bring in fabulous guest musicians RECOMMENDED
Sing in beautiful Portuguese with a hearty dose of groove & good feeling.
Be accompanied by musicians familiar with the genre. Enjoy exploring the Brazilian language & culture as part of our ongoing shared journey..with the opportunity to travel & sing on the 'Sing Harmony Brazil' Tour in late June/July '25
Sunday 16 February 2025 - Sunday 6 April 2025 (UTC+11)Location
Armadale Community Arts Hub - Armadale Baptist Church (auditorium)
88, Kooyong Rd, Armadale Vic 3143
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