Mount Gambier PainFest

This one-day workshop brings together leading experts in pain management and recovery to discuss innovative solutions and approaches in pain care. Attendees will include healthcare professionals, researchers, and interest-holders, providing an excellent platform for networking and collaboration.Event Highlights:
• The Case for Education: Presented by Professor Lorimer Moseley
• “Wear and tear” no more: Changing the narrative of painful arthritis: Presented by Associate Professor
Tasha Stanton
• Neuroimmunology of Inflammation, Pain, and Recovery: Presented by Professor Mark Hutchinson
• Pulling apart the pieces of pelvic pain : Presented by Doctor Jane Chalmers and Doctor Karin Jones
• Multi-disciplinary Panel: Featuring Professor Lorimer Moseley, Doctor Pene Wood, and Bernadette Smith
• Marketplace – Networking & Resources: Explore valuable resources and connect with local pain
champions offering ongoing support.
Cost: $85 (inc refreshments)
Bob and Gayle Cowan Auditorium, UniSA
Wireless Road West, Mt Gambier SA 5290