Weetangera Cemetery and the Pinnacle NOW ON SUNDAY 28 JULY
NOW ON 28 JULY Attendees have been advised. For more than 80 years the Weetangera Cemetery, one of the oldest cemeteries in the ACT, served the largely Methodist community of the Belconnen area. Come and see where the church once stood before services ceased in 1952 and the building was dismantled in 1955. We will then head to The Pinnacle Nature Reserve where Warren Bond will point out its links with the Weetangera Cemetery and outline the Reserve’s history since European arrival. The reserve has reminders of each of the three main settlement periods: squatting from 1826, Free Selection from 1861, then leasing after the formation of the ACT in 1911. The Pinnacle was declared a protected area (reserve) in 1993.Meeting point: at National Trust sign, corner of Drake Brockman & William Hovell Drives, Holt.
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