The Nanjing Massacre & Violence of "Comfort Women" System

Join us for a poignant evening dedicated to reflecting on the history of the Nanjing Massacre and its role in the widespread establishment of the brutal "Comfort Women" system by the Japanese military during World War II.The acclaimed movie "The Flowers of War" (《金陵十三钗》) by Zhang Yimou and a featured introduction of "The Last Comfort Women" (《最后一个是铜像》) by Leo Shi Young will be screened.
We welcome your valuable contributions towards the building of the Chinese Statue of Peace in Melbourne. Donations can be made via the GoFundMe link:
or direct transfer:
Acc Name: Chinese Australians for Peace Association Inc.
BSB: 033065; Acc No: 597646 (Bank: Westpac)
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Thank you for your support.
Hosted by: The Chinese Australians for Peace Association Inc. and the Chinese Australian Studies Forum of RMIT
RMIT Building 80, Level 01, Room 002,
445 Swanston St, Melbourne Victoria 3053