Ballarat Station Upgrade - online information session

Join us at our community information webinar on Zoom to learn more about the Ballarat Station Upgrade concept designs and ask the team questions through the Q&A function.The concept designs for the new pedestrian overpass are now available on our website and Engage Victoria.
This online session will begin at 6:30pm and will finish at approximately 7:30pm.
Registrations for this event will close at 10am the day of the event (Wednesday 19 June) or when session capacity is filled.
Please note this session will be an information update. Participants will be able to lodge questions to the project team using the Q&A function. The project team will provide responses.
Translation service - for languages other than English to register for this session please call 9209 0147.
For information about the Ballarat Station Upgrade, visit:
For project information and to complete the survey, visit:
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser