Panagia Annual Dance

To celebrate the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, the Canberra Association of Pontos ‘Trapezounta’ invites you to their...PANAGIA ANNUAL DANCE
When: Saturday, 31 August 2024 - 6:30pm
Where: Greek Orthodox Church of St. Demetrios
120 Collett Street, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
Cost: Adults $30, Children 12 and under $20 - Includes food and live music. Drinks sold separately.
Raffle prizes to be won on the night
Pontian Musicians - Kyriakos Fotiadis (Lyra & Vocals), Adamos Neou (Lyra), Prodromos Moysiadis (Daouli), Peter Tsenkas (Daouli)
Greek Music - DJ Maniati
Want to reserve a table of 10 or more? Book your tickets via the BOOK NOW and give Theodore Merkoureas a call on 0422090511 to place a reserved sign.
Greek Orthodox Church of St. Demetrios
120 Collett St, Queanbeyan NSW 2620