Liturgy Formation

The Ballarat Diocesan Liturgical Commission will present Liturgy Formation on Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Scripture Reflection at St Mary's Church Donald on Sunday, August 18, 2024.All members of the diocese are welcome to attend.
Program for the day:
10.30am: Mass at St Mary's Church Donald, celebrated by Bishop Paul Bird CSsR
12.00noon: Lunch
12.30pm: Welcome
12.40pm: Introduction by Bishop Paul based on the letter Pope Francis issued on the liturgical formation of the People of God
1.30pm – 2.30pm: Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion presented by Dr Susan Crowe
2.40pm – 3.40pm: Formation for Lectors presented by Bishop Paul Bird CSsR
3.45pm – 4.30pm: Plenary & Prayer of the Church
St Mary's Church Donald
129 Woods Street, Donald Vic 3480