Mystery Bay Bioblitz

Mystery Bay is both a geologically interesting and scenically stunning location for our Bioblitz. Our expert team includes well-known South Coast botanist Jackie Miles and iNaturalist guru Thomas Mesaglio from Sydney. Local naturalists will also be there to lend a hand, especially for those new to the iNaturalist app.Saturday 17 August
18:00 Evening Spotlight Walk
Sunday 18 July
09:00 Welcome & Introduction
10:00 Morning Field Survey*
12:00 Nature Talks
13:00 Afternoon Field Survey*
*Expert-led guided walks - choice of plants, birds, rock platform and iNaturalist training.
This Inspiring Australia NSW initiative is supported by the Australian Government as part of National Science Week.
More details at
Mystery Bay Council Campground/Day Park
Mystery Bay Road, Mystery Bay NSW 2546