Writings of St John Paul II on Gender, Marriage and Family (SOLD OUT)

Once again, the partnership between the Theology of the Body Institute and the Sydney Centre for Evangelisation brings another immersion course experience to Australia. The chosen course is targeted to provide healing and hope to today's culture: the Writings of St John Paul II on Gender, Marriage, and Family.For a time such as this, where attacks on the identity of male and female, the union of husband and wife and the goodness of the family are more than ever, the Lord calls us to be witnesses to the Gospel. Come and be formed in heart and mind to give an account of the hope that is in you.
We are excited to have Bill Donaghy, a renowned TOB international speaker specialist, as our instructor at the beautiful and scenic Benedict XVI Retreat Centre. Bill will present the main themes from John Paul II's On the Christian Family in the Modern World, On the Dignity & Vocation of Women, and Letter to Families.
A not-to-be-missed transformative experience awaits you!
Benedict XVI Retreat Centre
347 Grose Wold Road, Grose Vale NSW 2753