New Moon Kundalini Yoga Class
New moon new beginnings.You’re invited to a Kundalini Yoga experience that guides you to transition consciously from the quiet dark of an ending to a very intentional and committed new beginning.
Inside you is the pulse of your soul, from which all that is meaningful and true arises. Take time and space to become conscious of that. What does it want ....?
In touch with this question, you move differently into a new cycle of becoming with the chance for it to be an increasingly true and authentic expression of who you are at your core, in your essence.
Such is a life consciously participated in, as you are a particle of the whole dynamic play of the cosmos. Take your part...
The class involves teachings to begin, Kundalini Yoga, relaxation & meditation.
WHEN: Sun 4th August, 4.30 to 6.30pm
WHERE: Palmyra Yoga Shala, 63 McKimmie St Palmyra
COST: $35
Palmyra Yoga Shala
53 McKimmie St , Palmyra Western Australia 6157