ILCAWA Membership - Annual Subscription 2024-25

New/Renew Membership of The International Laser Class Association of Western Australian Inc (ILCAWA)
Membership runs from 1st October to 30th September the following year.
Early payment discount of $10 applies to online payments paid by 30th September.
Payment by Bank or credit card, Paypal or Gpay. No manual payments will be accepted.
Membership runs from 1st October to 30th September the following year.
Early payment discount of $10 applies to online payments paid by 30th September.
Payment by Bank or credit card, Paypal or Gpay. No manual payments will be accepted.
Tuesday 1 October 2024 3:33 PM - Tuesday 30 September 2025 11:42 PM (UTC+08)
Western Australia
Contact Details