*venue change* Jed Appleton Band at The Whaler - FREE ENTRY

ANNOUNCEMENT!So unfortunately ticket sales are still pretty low for the Peacock Theatre, we’re now moving the show to The Whaler where it’s FREE entry and kicks off from 7pm on Saturday night.. all tickets for the Peacock will be refunded tomorrow morning (thanks to all those that bought!)
I’m sorry if you planned to come for a night out at a theatre and you made plans, I was really up in the air about changing venues, but after a lot of back and forth, number crunching and all that, I just had to make the call.. I hope you can make it out to The Whaler, we’ll still be playing the same show with the same supports so I’m excited to run through the new album for you all!
Supports from
Rupert Bullard
Cam Tapp
Abby Otten
Peacock Theatre
77 Salamanca Place, Hobart TAS 7000