The Forest Wars

The Forest Wars
with Dr David Lindenmayer, Geoff Cousins AM and Sophie Scamps MP
Saturday, August 24th, 5pm at Avalon Beach Surf Life Saving Club
Dr Lindenmayer's new book, The Forest Wars exposes the government-backed logging corporations destroying our irreplaceable ecosystems, making wildfires more frequent and severe, wiping out vulnerable wildlife populations, and costing taxpayers millions - all in the pursuit of exported wood chips!
David is joined by fierce environmental campaigner and businessman Geoff Cousins AM. Geoff has led many high-profile battles to protect Australia's wilderness, opposing the Gunns pulp mill in Tasmania and the Woodside gas-processing plant north of Broome. As President of the Australian Conservation Foundation he took an uncompromising public stance against the controversial Adani coal mine project in central Queensland.
Our tall forest experts are joined by Dr Sophie Scamps, who this year introduced her Forest Pledge, a heartfelt plea to urgently end industrial logging of native forests across Australia.
Avalon Surf Life Saving Club
558 Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach NSW 2107