Just a Farmer, Movie Screening Kerang
"Just a Farmer" is a beautiful Australian story that highlights the challenges and triumphs of farming. It explores the complexities of mental health struggles in rural Australia and the triumphs of a resilient farmer and her community."It's more than a movie; it's a dedicated movement creating awareness, dismantling stigmas, and impacting the well-being of rural Australia. "Just A Farmer" breaks new ground, fostering understanding and assuring individuals they don't face darkness alone." (www.justafarmermovie.com)
The movie will be screened at the Kerang Memorial Hall, to follow will be a Q & A session providing opportunity to explore the themes within the storyline. The panel will include Leila McDougall, writer, actor, producer and executive producer of Just a Farmer, and actor Damian Walshe-Howling.
Kerang Memorial Hall
2 Nolan Street, Kerang Victoria 3579