Barry Green Seminar and Performance

This lecture demonstration will explain Barry Green's development and approaches culminating in The Inner Game of Music, Barry's best-seller book read by hundreds of thousands of musicians worldwide. The Inner Game is about overcoming mental obstacles to performance, practising and teaching through the master techniques of Awareness, Commitment and Trust.This session includes ways to work with the distracting inner voice plus Inner Game concentration techniques. It includes his coaching approaches to transform a performer's concentration from a place of doubt to a place of relaxed concentration for musicians of all walks and styles of playing. This seminar is a unique opportunity to see a master at work with the real engagement that lifts our music from the ordinary into the extraordinary.
The Seminar will conclude with a special performance of original music by Barry Green for his AUSTA tour to Tasmania.
Terence Butler Auditorium, The Hutchins School
71 Nelson Road, Sandy Bay TAS 7005