Canberra Irish Club Comedy Night

Irish Club Comedy Night is a show of non-stop hilarity with Canberra comedians Sarah Stewart, Suma Iyer, Nick Starkey, Andy High, Katrin Praseli, Jeffrey Charles and MC Trish Hurley.From dating, marriage, the joys of being a boomer and everything in-between, they have lots to say about balancing life, love, and other weird stuff. Midwife Sarah Stewart snapped on her rubber gloves years ago and has seen it all, Suma Iyer is taking advice from her father about her superfund, Andy High is living proof that older isn’t always wiser, Katrin Praseli is a yummy mummy, Nick Starkey is planning a revolution with his little red beret, Jeffrey Charles is a musical comedian singing about everything from composting to horrible boys’ nights out, and ex-nurse Trish Hurley is a raging hyperchondriac.
Canberra Irish Club
6 Parkinson Street , Weston ACT 2611