Primary School Disco
Get ready for our Olympic inspired ‘Let's Get Sporty’ Primary School Disco on Friday, 23 August 2024!Kids can come dressed in their favourite sporty outfits and have fun dancing the night away!
Beginners to Year 2 : 5.00pm - 6.15pm
Years 3 - 6 : 6.30pm - 7.45pm
Details of the event:
* It will be held in the College Hall
* Tickets include a glow stick and lolly bag
* There will be tea and coffee for parents. Water will be available for the students but no food
* Student mobile phones will NOT be permitted - if a child needs to bring a phone they will be required to hand it in for safe keeping
* Students must be signed IN at the start and OUT at the end of their session
* RSVP's close Wednesday, 21 August
* Please note that parents are welcome to attend and do not require a ticket for themselves.
Belmont Christian College
65 John Fisher Road, Belmont North NSW 2280