Georg Frideric Handel: Songs of Love and Longing
Georg Frideric Handel (1685-1759) is the baroque era’s theatre composer extraordinaire, whose 42 operas and two-dozen oratorios refined the art of bringing human emotion alive in music. He brought Italian musical fashions to a London audience. Writing to the strengths of the greatest singers of his era, he composed arias in which dazzling vocal fireworks sat cheek by jowl with moments of heart-stopping beauty.The wonderful Soprano Gaynor Morgan with Tenor Geof Webb present a bouquet of selected Arias and Duets from the composers Oratorios and Operas. Accompanied by Margaret Connolly (Violin), Daniel Curro (Baroque Cello) and Peter Roennfeldt (Harpsichord) the ensemble presents an authentic performance of Baroque Music.
A Suite for Violin and Continuo and a Suite for Harpsichord complement an exquisite afternoon of G.F.Handel live in Ballina.
The Music Estuary - St Mary's Ballina
38-42 Norton St, Ballina NSW 2478