Fleetwood Mac Show - Running in the Shadows (SOLD OUT)

The music of Fleetwood Mac is indelibly etched into the minds of a generation.With up to 8 performers 'Running in the Shadows' show brings to life the music of Fleetwood Mac superbly. ALL LIVE INSTRUMENTS AND VOCALS is the distinguishing factor. No pre-recorded backing just a fantastic young band of talented musicians doing what they do best, the sounds & music of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks.
The extraordinary vocal delivery of lead vocalist URSALA CAIN authentically reproduces the part of Stevie Nicks when she was at her artistic best. She not only has the sound but with her long blonde hair also looks the part.
Playing all the hit songs - Rhiannon, Little Lies, Don't Stop, Go Your Own Way, Second Hand News, Gold Dust Women, You Make Loving Fun, Dreams & even songs from their new album.
The whole show is set to a dramatic background of moody lighting and outstanding effects.
Back by popular demand, always a sell-out!! Don't miss out.
Soldiers Point Bowling Club
118 Soldiers Point Road, SOLDIERS POINT NSW 2317