Farewell Dinner for Geshema Namdol Phutsok August 2024

It has been very auspicious and a great honour for Buddha House that Geshema Namdol Phuntsok agreed to come to Buddha House taught during July and August this year.
Geshema Namdol Phuntsok achieved the top position in all India and Nepal in the first group of Geshemas who graduated in 2016. She’s currently the main teacher and oumdze at the Kopan Nunnery in Kathmandu, Nepal. Geshema has lots of teaching experience and has achieved the highest qualification of Gelupa study, being a Lharampa Geshema.
Geshema was born in Tibet on 19th April 1975 but has lived in Nepal most of her life and has been based at the Khachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery for many years although her studies have required her to travel to Sera Jhe Monastery in Mysore India and the Gyuto Tantric College, where she has completed her studies.
The dinner aims to also be a fundraiser for the Khachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery to help look after the 330 nuns who live there.
Geshema Namdol Phuntsok achieved the top position in all India and Nepal in the first group of Geshemas who graduated in 2016. She’s currently the main teacher and oumdze at the Kopan Nunnery in Kathmandu, Nepal. Geshema has lots of teaching experience and has achieved the highest qualification of Gelupa study, being a Lharampa Geshema.
Geshema was born in Tibet on 19th April 1975 but has lived in Nepal most of her life and has been based at the Khachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery for many years although her studies have required her to travel to Sera Jhe Monastery in Mysore India and the Gyuto Tantric College, where she has completed her studies.
The dinner aims to also be a fundraiser for the Khachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery to help look after the 330 nuns who live there.
Buddha House
496 Magill Road, Magill South Australia 5072
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