ANZQAN Annual Meeting 2024!

The ANZQAN Annual Meeting for 2024 is an opportunity for members of the Network, representatives of accrediting bodies and other experts in matters relating to Australian and New Zealand business school accreditation to meet and share information and experiences. The program will feature presentations and panels discussing themes and topics of relevance to academic and professional staff with a role in university business school accreditation.The Annual Meeting for 2024 will be held at Edith Cowan University's Joondalup Campus in Western Australia from Wednesday 27 November - Friday 29 November.
Wednesday 27th November commences at 3pm AWST with an induction for new members, followed by networking drinks for new and existing network members - all welcome!
The program will kick off on Thursday 28 November at 8:30am (AWST), concluding on Friday 29 November at 2pm (AWST). Ticket price includes dinner on Thursday evening.
The full program will be released soon.
Edith Cowan University
270 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup WA 6027