Playback Theatre Taster (CANCELLED)

What is it: community storytelling through improvised theatre where moments and stories provided by the audience create the script.Who is it for: anyone who wants to learn improvisation skills, strengthen their listening and teamwork skills, improve their creative expression, become more confident in their stage presence or who enjoys the idea of a being a part of community theatre and storytelling.
What are the benefits: enhances confidence and problem solving ability, quick thinking, compassion and empathy and the ability to give and receive feedback/coaching.
Time commitment: 1 x 4 hour workshop
About your facilitator: Shel has been a member of five Playback Theatre Companies across Australia and is experienced in every role within Playback. She has attended International training programs and has led training for Hobart, Darwin and Out of the Box Playback companies.
Creswick Theatre
2 Raglan St, Creswick Vic 3363