School Holiday Shooting Clinic U12- 2-Days
Sign up for a 2-day September school holiday shooting clinic.Dates
Session 1: Monday 23rd Sept & Tuesday 24th Sept
Session 2: Monday 30th Sept & Tuesday 1st Oct
Start Time -9am
Finish Time - 12pm
Capacity - 8 Players
Price - $240
This is our first time doing an exclusive shooting clinic working on all things shooting, topics will include but not exclusive to:
- Shooting Technique
- Catch & Shoot
- Creating Space Off-Ball
- Shooting Off the Dribble
- Scoring from Pick & Rolls
All sessions are designed for Rep players and/or A-Grade players
What to bring:
- Drink Bottle
- Basketball Shoes and Uniform
Locked In Basketball
5 Camaro Place , Kilsyth Vic 3137