Eesti Päevad 2024: Family Day Adelaide Hills Farm

11am: First Bus to Adelaide Hills Farm12:30pm – 2pm: BBQ Lunch
2pm: Opening Ceremony
3pm – 4pm: Sports
4pm – 6pm: Various performances by Estonian Folk Dancers, Kristiina Ehin & Silver Sepp, and more.
6pm – 7pm: BBQ Dinner
7pm – 8pm: Music Performance(s)
7pm – 8:30pm: Hot Mic Discussion Forum
9pm: Last Bus to Estonian House
Please book return bus option separately if transport is required.
Please note one BBQ meal is included in ticket, additional meal available for purchase on the day
Attendees will be emailed one week prior to the event with specific parking and location details, and a map of the event.
Please note that BYO alcohol is not allowed, and no pets please.
Snacks can be brought along for the day, including non-alcoholic beverages.
Please bring along a picnic rug, and any fold out chairs you wish- there will be some seating provided under the marquee.
Bathers and sunscreen a must!
Children must be supervised whilst using the pool, waterslide and trampoline.
Eesti Päevad 2024: Family Day Adelaide Hills Farm
288 Oakwood Road, Oakbank SA