OFF SEASON AFL/Athletic Development JPS U12/U13 - Boys 2024

ATT: Footy parents, does your son want to:✅ Get Faster?
✅ More agile?
✅ Continue to develop their footy skills?
✅ Be more competitive for next season?
🤔 How?
Limited to the 1st x 20 athlete’s
1 x Athletic testing session with report to identify strengths & rfi’s (as used by Coates Talent League) - Inner Athlete facility
3 x Athletic development sessions to get you faster/more agile (South East location tba)
3 x AFL development sessions including skills & game sense (SE location tba)
Priority access to Gaelic Football Competitions (pending availability)
📅 When?
Skills and Athletic development dates: 19/10 2/11 16/11
Time: 8am-10am
Location: South East location TBA
Testing date, time, and location
Date: 30/11
Time: 11am-2pm
Location: Inner Athlete
We've developed dozens of young footballers to improve their game-sense, skills development, quicker and faster, to give them the best opportunity to be selected for School Academies & Interleague.
South East location TBA