Wild In Bayside - The Green Link Project

FoNW members are among many acting to improve habitat and connections for wildlife in our cities. Come and learn about the Green Link project, which would provide a biodiversity corridor, enhanced tree canopy, increased water permeability, and help people build a relationship with nature in the city. It would give better walking and cycling access and improvement of underused spaces.You'll find out about the plan for a linear park following the route of the Sandringham rail corridor from South Yarra to Gardenvale, connecting and linking existing open space.
Justin Halliday, our guest speaker, has lived in St Kilda East and nearby all his life. He has worked in the creative industries and project management, and has been active in environmental and climate change communities, especially in his local council of Port Phillip. He is a major contributor to the proposal for the Green Link project.
Free for FoNW members.
Photo: Green Link project
Beaumaris Senior Citizens Centre (behind Beaumaris Library)
96 Reserve Road, Beaumaris VIC 3193