Renault PR100 Series Farewell Tour

There are two ticket types available, please read the information below to ensure you have the correct tickets.
333 Heritage Runs - $3.00 per person (Children under 4 free), Ticket is valid for either the AM Northbound Trip (Tuggeranong to Belconnen) OR the PM Southbound Trip (Belconnen to Tuggeranong)
Departure times are approximate, please arrive on time, we won't leave earlier than the advertised time.
333 AM Trip (Northbound)
Tuggeranong Interchange Platform 9 - 09:15am
Woden Temporary Interchange Platform 6 - 09:30am
City Interchange (London Cct - Bus Stop Outside Mooseheads) - 09:45am
Arrive Belconnen Community Bus Station Platform 6 - 10:00am
Ticket holders for the Renault PR100 Farewell Tour may stay on board for transfer back to City West, other attendees will disembark here and make their own way back.
333 PM TRIP (Southbound)
Belconnen Community Bus Station Platform 1 - 16:05 (4:05pm)
City Interchange Platform 10 - 16:20 (4:20pm)
Woden Temporary Interchange Platform 2 - 16:35 (4:35pm)
Tuggeranong Interchange - 16:50 (4:50pm)
Ticket holders for the Renault PR100 Farewell Tour may stay on board for transfer back to City West, other attendees will disembark here and make their own way back.
Renault PR100 Series Farewell Tour - $25.00 Per person ($20 for current Canberra Transport Museum Financial Members). Ticket is valid for both AM and PM 333 Runs as well as the Renault PR100 Series Farewell Tour.
Tour Departs City West Bus Station at 10:30am Sharp. Lunch stop will be approximately 13:15 - 13:55 with drop off and Pick Ups for this break at the City Interchange. Photo and toilet stops will be included throughout the event, shift cards will be provided to attendees with full plan of the day. Please note some runs may be cut if we are running over time to ensure we can meet our end times for the event. Other drop offs may be organised by speaking with drivers on the day, should you need to leave earlier to make a connecting bus, train home etc.
You can pre-purchase tickets, simply follow the link above and add the tickets to your cart and then checkout. Prices are shown as $2.85 and $24.50, the booking website also adds a ticket fee which of $0.15 and $0.50 respectively, this brings the total cost to $3 and $25 respectively. Current CTM members get a $5 discount on the full day ticket, bringing this to $20. Please note there is no discounts for the 333 runs on their own, these will be $3 per person per trip, no family discounts apply. Children under 4 free. No concessions available.
You may also make a voluntary donation when purchasing your ticket, we appreciate any donations greatly.
You will be emailed a PDF ticket, please present this in either paper or on a mobile device so it can be scanned on entry to mark your attendance.
If you wish to pay on the day we will accept card or cash. Select CTM staff and drivers should be able to take payment via NFC, you may also pay cash but please where possible pay with exact change or as close to it as possible as we will be carrying limited cash on the day. If you wish to pay cash there is no need to pre-book, just pay us on the day. There should not be any additional fees for paying on the day.
If you have any questions about ticketing or the event, please contact us at
Please Note: This event is being run by the Canberra Transport Museum Inc. with support from Transport Canberra. For TC routes and ticketing visit
City West Terminus
Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra act 2601